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May 9, 2019
Digestion, Synthesis and Extraction – Three Microwaves in One

Digestion, Synthesis and Extraction – Three Microwaves in One

The flexibility of Milestone’s proven platform of microwave technologies provides unique advantages to teaching and research laboratories. The base system which is typically used for microwave digestion may be modified to allow its use in microwave-assisted chemical synthesis (ie. organic chemistry) as well as sample preparation for organic analysis (ie....
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Microwave Ashing for Determination of Inorganic Content in Food Samples

Microwave ashing for determination of inorganic content in food samples

Ashing of food samples is commonly used for the evaluation of the total mineral content. Microwave ashing is a cost-effective solution which offers several advantages over conventional muffle furnace methods including throughput, heating rate, temperature homogeneity and power consumption. Ashing of food samples is a common test used to determine...
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Food and beverage analysis

Food and beverage analysis

Analytical chemistry makes sure that consumers obtain safe and sanitary food in compliance with regulatory requirements.Today’s food and beverages (F&B) are much more than just simple "organic fuels" needed for survival. Beyond their nutritive value, they are consumed for their taste or flavor. Increasingly, they are also a source for...
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Disinfectant By-Products in Drinking water

Disinfectant By-Products in Drinking water

Purifying our drinking water removes the bacteria that can make us sick. It can also introduce some harmful chemicals too.Clean drinking water is the backbone of modern society. Healthy population leads to high productivity and minimal pressure on our health services.The most common water purification techniques are very efficient in...
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Microwave Ashing for Determination of Inorganic Content in Crude Oil

Microwave ashing for determination of inorganic content in Crude Oil

Ashing of crude oil samples provides fundamental information about the quality of the product such as the amount of particulate emission to expect upon combustion. The typically low inorganic content of crude oils requires large samples which then require long times for ashing and create a significant amount of fumes...
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Karl Fischer. Faster and safer than ever before

Karl Fischer. Faster and safer than ever before

Automatic reagent transfer. Automatic analysis start.Karl Fischer moisture analysis is a staple of the analytical laboratory. Moisture levels must be known for most industries. From food to petroleum, moisture levels are important from process to final product.OMNIS Karl Fischer, takes the accuracy and convenience of Metrohm Karl Fischer titration to...
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