Meat and fish prepared with serrated blades on the GM knife mills

Meat and fish prepared with serrated blades on the GM knife mills

Serrated blades are now available for GM 200 and GM 300.

The serrated knife for the Retsch GM Knife Mills will lead to much better results (faster and finer) for cutting through samples like meat – including fat, gristle and crust – or whole fish much faster and easier for reproducible results.

RETSCH already introduced the serrated knife for the GM 300 (RET-024460054) last year and received excellent feedback.

Because of the great interest to have a similar knife for the GM 200 (item no. RET-024460057) as well, the have decided to add it to the product range.

These new serrated knives will fit all existing and new GM Knife Mills

Call us to order yours now!

Questions? Contact us

Retsch Brochure: Knife mill

Visit Retsch: Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 200

Visit Retsch: Knife Mill GRINDOMIX GM 300

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