Analysing powders and liquids at-line

Analysing powders and liquids at-line

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Lufthansa Technik AG’s center for surface finishing in Hamburg monitors process baths using at-line system from Metrohm.

Lufthansa Technik AG is one of the world’s largest providers of repair and maintenance services for airplane parts and components. At their facility centre for surface finishing in Hamburg, Germany, they operate a customised Metrohm ProcessLab system to monitor 70 different process baths.

Approximately 40.000 repair jobs p.a. are handled by Lufhansa Technik AG‘s center for surface finishing in Hamburg, which is one of the largest facilities of its kind in Europe. Dr. Carsten Thoene is in charge of the process baths. Together with his team he monitors 140 analytical parameters complying with 38 official guidelines.
To cope with the huge amount of samples and the many different analytical parameters, Lufthansa Technik AG decided to install a fully automated Metrohm ProcessLab in the same building where the process baths are operated.

The major benefit of this at-line multi-parameter measuring system are evident: Samples don’t need to be shipped to an off-site laboratory but can be analysed onsite enabling the process baths to be operated with maximum efficiency.

Metrohm-Applikon process analysers can be installed at-line or directly on-line.

At-line solutions are recommended where we have a greater number of sampling points, for batch processes, for powder products and when dispatching raw materials to the plants.

Once installed handling becomes very easy:
Just place a sufficient amount of the sample onto the sampling rack and press “Start”. The intelligent analyser will proceed fully automatically and return the results to DCS or any other destination.

What are the benefits?
Fast response
Reliable results
Improved accuracy
Minimal human intervention required

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