Want more from your instrument? Metrohm Academy courses show you how

Want more from your instrument? Metrohm Academy Courses show you how

Gain the knowledge to improve your analysis and lab processes.

Achieve the desired level of knowledge

Whether just starting out, or wanting to get the most out of your instrumentation, Metrohm Australia has a course to help you achieve the desired level of knowledge.

Initial training

Initial training is provided with the purchase of a new instrument or with the implementation of a new methodology.  Trained staff leaving can often provide a knowledge gap, which can result in the instruments not being run at their peak or, worst case, incorrect data interpretation.

Basic Metrohm Academy Courses

Basic Metrohm Academy Courses provide convenient introductions into instruments, software and applications for new users.

Modern Metrohm instruments and software also have a broad range of features available to help with improved efficiency, accuracy and usability, if you know where to find them and have the time to work with them.

Advanced Metrohm Academy Courses

For those looking to expand their knowledge of instruments and applications, or improve efficiencies, Advanced Metrohm Academy Courses provide in-depth knowledge and the ability to work through complex solutions to analytical problems.

Customised Academy Courses

General courses are not always suitable. To cater to businesses with large workforces, specific requirements or sensitive applications, custom courses are also available, in our office, or yours.

Scheduled courses can be viewed on the Metrohm Australia Website or contact us to arrange a custom course.

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    Metrohm Australia/New Zealand

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