Air quality monitoring: 2060 MARGA re-invented

Air quality monitoring: 2060 MARGA re-invented

The all-new online analysis platform 2060 MARGA can operate for up to 1 month unattended at a remote site. Results are stored in an onboard database, with various options for the transmission of «live» data to a central data platform.

Air quality monitoring: 2060 MARGA re-invented

Ambient air quality: Critical for our health and the environment

The solution: 2060 MARGA – Monitor for AeRosols and Gases in ambient Air

According to the World Health Organization 91% of the world population lives in places where the WHO air quality guidelines levels are not met. Ambient air (outdoor air pollution) in both cities and rural areas was estimated to cause 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2016. Gas and aerosol sampling from the same air mass.

When considering the effects of aerosols on health and the environment, it is necessary to understand how they are formed from their precursor gases and how their concentration and composition vary with diurnal and seasonal cycles.

Continuous measurements of aerosols are required with sufficient time resolution so that the various aerosol formation processes can be clarified.

Monitor ambient air continuously to simultaneously quantify aerosols and gases


The new 2060 MARGA from Metrohm Process Analytics offers sampling of gases and aerosols from the same air mass. These are separated from each other by selectively dissolving them in water. The resulting solutions are then analysed via ion chromatography with conductivity detection. Separating gases from aerosols allows the detection of important precursor gases and the subsequent inorganic ionic species found in the aerosols.

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