Monitor multiple lubricating oil quality indicators with Vis-NIR and save on your oil change

Monitor multiple lubricating oil quality indicators with Vis-NIR and save on your oil change.

Lubricating oil plays a very important role in guaranteeing smooth and efficient functioning of machinery. However, these oils have a limited period of operation and need to be exchanged in regular intervals.

Currently, the industry follows generalized oil change intervals with the disadvantage that exchanges are performed long before it becomes necessary.

Monitor multiple lubricating oil quality indicators with Vis-NIR and save on your oil change.

By monitoring the condition of lubricating oils, which can be done quickly and easily by Vis-NIR spectroscopy, oil change intervals can be extended considerably. Resulting advantages are the reduction of lubricating oil consumption and cost savings.

The following parameters need to be analyzed:

Acid number (AN): The AN is a measure of both weak organic and strong inorganic acid contamination of the oil. Acidic contaminants, wrong oil, alkaline-reserve depletion, and oxidation byproducts can cause lubricant degradation. The acid number is often determined according to ASTM D664 by potentiometric or coulometric titration.

Viscosity: The lubricating capability and oil condition depend mainly on the viscosity of the lubricating oil. Insufficient lubrication results in increased friction, wear, and heat, which can result in catastrophic failure. Any significant change in viscosity requires a prompt action; its monitoring is therefore compulsory in routine oil analysis. ASTM D445 describes the conventionally applied analysis method for kinematic viscosity.

Moisture: Moisture in lubricating oil destroys the oil film strength and causes erosive wear. Even relatively low concentrations (< 500 ppm) can cause high damage. The moisture content is conventionally determined according to ASTM D6304.

Color number: Ageing, oxidation, and contamination, but also overheating and filter issues are indicated by a change of color, which is conventionally determined by a colorimeter according to ASTM D1500.

Our Metrohm NIR Application Note NIR-41 “Simultaneous monitoring of multiple quality indicators of lubricating oil by Vis-NIRShas all the details. It is free to download from the link below.

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