The new player in high throughput: Retsch XL

The new player in high throughput Retsch XL!

The new player in high throughput: Retsch XL!

The Jaw Crusher BB 600 XL is used for rapid, effective, crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials. Up to 3,500 Kg per hour!

Due to the low installation height (1 m), the BB 600 XL is ideally suited for continuous operation in automatic installations and sampling stations. Thanks to the compact design of the BB 600 XL it may replace a jaw crusher in existing installations.

Small sample amounts with large particle sizes can be crushed batch-wise in the Jaw Crusher BB 600 XL.

Product Advantages

  • high crushing ratio
  • high throughput up to 3,500 kg/h
  • adjustable gap width setting
  • overload protection
  • size of breaking jaws 600 mm high / 400 mm wide 
  • no-rebound feed hopper
  • easy-to-clean crushing chamber
  • continuous and batch-wise crushing
  • connector for dust extraction
  • central lubrication (optional)
  • suitable for integration in automatic installations
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