Copper in drinking water by voltammetry

Copper in drinking water by voltammetry

The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, published by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council are an authoritative Australian reference on good quality drinking water. The Guidelines are regularly reviewed by the NHMRC in consultation with the general community, health bodies, water suppliers, and regulators. 

Determination of Copper in drinking water by anodic stripping voltammetry at the scTRACE Gold using the 946 Portable VA Analyzer

Copper is a metal that exists in the environment as a mineral in rocks and soil. It is commonly found at low levels in natural water bodies. It is also an essential trace element that is required to maintain good health.

Copper pipes are used extensively in plumbing systems in Australia (and internationally) (source: Lead and copper enter drinking water primarily through plumbing materials. In particular, when copper pipes corrode they can release copper into your drinking water to a level that can affect its quality and safety.

Although copper is highly toxic for microorganisms, there is a toxicity level to human body. As per WHO, the safe level of copper in tap water is 2 mg/L or 2 ppm.

Thus, Metrohm offers a sensitive portable analyser to accurately monitor the concentration of copper in tap water.

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