Moisture analysis of ethanol-hydrocarbon blends by Vis-NIR spectroscopy

Moisture analysis of ethanol-hydrocarbon blends by Vis-NIR spectroscopy

Visible near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) can determine water content in ethanol-hydrocarbon blends. Vis-NIRS is a fast alternative to conventional lab methods: it accelerates raw material inspection, process monitoring, and final product control.

Water damages both fuel tanks and engine parts. Rust and corrosion in the tank create hard particulates that are passed along by the fuel, causing engine wear. Component life is also shortened by water etching, erosion, cavitation, and spalling. It can also cause indirect damage through microbial growth and fuel oxidation. Water has always caused rust and corrosion, but modern fuel systems are much less tolerant than older, lower pressure systems. Manufacturers now specify zero free water must reach the engine.

Ensuring zero free water

To ensure zero free water fallout, water must be kept below its saturation point so that it stays dissolved. Saturation points vary from roughly 0.005% to 0.18% based on temperature and on the petro diesel / biodiesel ratio.

Removing excess water from fuel can be a challenge. The most effective approach is to take every reasonable measure to prevent water from entering the tank, and to monitor it regularly.

Application: Moisture analysis of ethanol-hydrocarbon blends by Vis-NIR spectroscopy

The downloadable application note below demonstrates that visible near-infrared spectroscopy (Vis-NIRS) can determine water content in ethanol-hydrocarbon blends. Vis-NIRS is a fast alternative to conventional lab methods: it accelerates raw material inspection, process monitoring, and final product control.

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