Coolant analysis, fast, reliable, robust

Coolant analysis, fast, reliable, robust

Anions and organic acid analysis in engine coolant, a reliable analysis for engine performance.

In heavy machinery, engine fluids, including coolants, are a key ingredient to smooth operation. Poor quality coolant can lead to breakdowns, frequent maintenance requirements with long down time for machinery. On the other hand, hundreds of litres of coolant can be required during a maintenance.

By monitoring a number of key indicators, coolant changes and machinery maintenance can be scheduled as required rather than on a set time basis. Monitoring of engine fluids means less downtime and more efficient use of engine fluids.

Key indicators: Anions and organic acids

Anions and organic acids are a key indicator for coolant quality. Anions point to moisture ingress and a higher potential for corrosion. Organic acids indicate degradation of coolant, time to change your coolant to ensure engines operate in the recommended temperature range.

How to measure?

Metrohm Ion Chromatography provides practical instrumentation for coolant analysis. Patented in-line sample preparation techniques ensure consistent analysis without manual sample preparation requirements. Robust anion suppression techniques also keep consumable costs down, supported by a 10 year warranty.

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