One-stop-shop for Spectroelectrochemistry

One-stop-shop for Spectroelectrochemistry

Spectroelectrochemistry is the combination of reaction-oriented electrochemistry with species-focused spectroscopy.

A potentiostat/galvanostat is used to induce chemical changes on a surface or within a solution that are then monitored by changes in a spectrum. Spectroelectrochemistry (SEC) allows a more complete analysis of single and multiple electron-transfer processes. Spectroelectrochemistry especially useful for studying redox transitions of various species such as organometallic complexes and nanoparticles among others.

About Autolab Spectroelectrochemistry

  • Autolab supplies the complete spectroscopy setup as well as the electrochemical instruments with total flexibility in choice of potentiostat, all controlled from the NOVA software package.
  • Our solution for spectroelectrochemistry allows you to add spectroelectrochemistry to your existing Autolab electrochemical setup
  • Light source, spectrophotometer, and accessories are all from a single source, thus ensuring compatibility and easy integration


  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Organometallic reactions
  • Redox polymer processes
  • Organic electrochemical processes

Key features

  • All you need out of one box – Integrated solution from a single supplier
  • Easy measurement – All components controlled in NOVA software with Synchronized electrochemical signals and spectra
  • Flexibility – Set up your experiment easily
  • Two spectro-photometers – for ultra-violet, visible, and near-infrared range 
  • Deuterium/halogen light source – light output between 200 and 2500 nm
  • Dark and blank spectrum subtraction
  • Absorbance and transmittance calculations
  • Real time spectra
  • Automatic and manual shutter control
  • Flexible and programmable methods
  • Selectable integration time
Questions? Contact us

Autolab Spectroelectrochemistry page: Spectrophotometer

Application Finder: Find your application

Autolab Application Note EC09: Spectroelectrochemical measurements

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