Homogenisation of fibrous food samples

The complete homogenisation of fibrous food samples is a difficult task as fibres can pass the apertures of the bottom sieve in vertical orientation.

A good tool for fibrous food samples: Retsch V rotor

The use of the Retsch V rotor with the SM 300 significantly improves the homogenisation of fibrous materials. Its special shape reduces the grinding chamber volume which results in the fibres being guided more effectively to the rotor blades. The speed and efficiency of the grinding process ensures that the sample material does not get too warm.

The Retsch SM 300 tackles (almost) any sample: the powerhouse among the RETSCH cutting mills!

Thanks to the high torque and optimized double acting cutting bars it provides excellent grinding results even for heterogeneous material mixes

The wide selection of accessories for the SM 300 comprises a cyclone-suction-combination which optimizes grinding processes with very fine grind sizes:

  • Effective cooling of sample and cutting tools
  • Optimized sample discharge, particularly for low density materials and small sample volumes
  • Space saving installation and easy cleaning

Moreover, the mill is cleaned incredibly easy and fast: the hopper can be folded back and the push-fit rotor and bottom sieve can be removed without using tools.

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