Online analyses in Chlor-alkali industry and brine solutions

In the membrane electrolysis production of chlorine the purity of the brine is very important.

In the membrane electrolysis production of chlorine the purity of the brine is very important.

Chlorine is produced from salt with three different technologies. The membrane technology now
accounts for 51.2% followed by the mercury process (31.8%) and the diaphragm process (14%). The
shift towards membrane technology is in line with Euro Chlor’s voluntary agreement to phase out the
installed mercury capacity by 2020.

In the membrane electrolysis production of chlorine the purity of the brine is very important. The presence of impurities such as calcium and magnesium can shorten the performance & lifetime of the membranes or can damage the electrodes. Partial membrane blockage will lead to high electrical operational costs and the high cost associated with replacing membranes. The Process Analyzers will monitor the total hardness concentration and send out a trigger when there is a breakthrough of the ion exchanger.

Metrohm Process Analytics, in cooperation with MEP Instruments, provides professional assistance to our clients in their projects no matter it is a single analyser or a complex turnkey projects. The uptime of our analysers is ensured to be more than 99%.

Moreover, we also offer the MEPCare contract for maintenance services to keep your process analyser in your maximum performance at all time.

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