New NIRSystems software launched — The Vision Air

Vision Air: Vis-NIR Analysis straightforward, reliable, and convenient.

The new Metrohm NIRSystems software is now released; The Vision Air for a straightforward, reliable, and convenient Vis-NIR Analysis.

Vision Air is a modern, intuitive software for NIR spectroscopic measurements caters to the specific needs of instrument operators and lab managers by offering two dedicated environments: Routine and Manager.

For routine users, measurements are as simple as can be, while advanced users benefit from the full range of functionality and data access.

The modern design and logical structure of Vision Air make familiarisation with the software very easy and offer an exceptional user experience.

Key features

  • Routine and Manager: dedicated environments for different user groups
  • Simple, intuitive operation with clear result presentation
  • Server/client capability for global data access and maximum data safety

Vision Air is available in English or German. More languages are continuously added.

With Vision Air you benefit from any new releases of Metrohm software keeping you always at the forefront of spectroscopy analysis.


Questions? Contact us

 Visit the Metrohm page: Vision Air

 Vision Air Brochure [PDF]

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