Retsch: Quick and reproducible grinding of feedstuff

Quick and reproducible grinding of Feed Pellets, Poultry Grain Mix, Rye.

Grain, compound feeds or feed pellets occur in a variety of forms; compound feeds are usually inhomogeneous. Feedstuff is analysed, for example, to determine the nutritional value, to detect hazardous substances or genetically modified ingredients. To ensure meaningful and reliable analysis results, representative and homogeneous samples are required. Therefore, sample preparation involves homogenisation and size reduction of the material to a defined particle size. RETSCH laboratory mills are perfectly suited for this process.

RETSCH mills are suitable for grinding and homogenising all types of grain and feedstuff quickly, reproducibly and neutral-to-analysis. Rotor mills have become the standard in the industry thanks to their great flexibility and wide selection of accessories. Efficiency in the lab can be greatly improved by using RETSCH mills.

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