Process Analytics: Determination of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and Water Content

Process Analytics: Determination of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and Water Content

Several units of ADI 2045TI analyse free fatty acid (FFA) and water content in industrial plants worldwide.

Free fatty acids (FFA) determination

An FFA determination is carried out in the ADI 2045TI analyser using colorimetric titration or, if there is severe turbidity, potentiometric titration.

ADI 2045TI Process Analyzer
The on-line analytical tool to watchdog your process 24/7

The ADI 2045TI is a wet chemical analyser. At its core lies an industrial PC with a Programmable Logic Controller. Its modular wet part gives maximum flexibility to adapt the configuration to a specific application. The burettes or pumps can be chosen for all liquid handling and selection valves implemented for multiple sample streams.

Simultaneous analysis between multiple streams and several methods gives faster response times. The control software on top of tiamo® allows the user to program different sequences of analysis and set conditions and alarms. Remote access is achieved with a standard remote desktop tool for further diagnostics.

The 2045TI is offering wet chemical techniques: titration, Karl Fischer titration, colorimetry, direct measurement and standard additions methods. Data from external devices such as flow, density and turbidity can be imported and processed by the analyser to compensate for results automatically and provide added monitoring value.

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