Determination of Oxyhalides in Swimming Pool Water

Determination of Oxyhalides in Swimming Pool Water

The separation and determination of oxyhalides besides standard anions is performed on a Metrosep A Supp 5 – 250/4.0 column with subsequent sequential suppression followed by conductivity detection.

Metrohm’s experts have develop an IC application for the determination of oxyhalides besides standard anions in swimming pool water.

Swimming pool water needs to be disinfected thoroughly. Often ozone is used. As a result of this strong oxidation, oxyhalides may build up and need to be analysed. Here in the IC Application Note S–326, the separation and determination of oxyhalides besides standard anions is performed on a Metrosep A Supp 5 – 250/4.0 column with subsequent sequential suppression followed by conductivity detection.

The 930 Compact IC Flex combined with 858 Professional Sample Processor are used in the determination for fully-automated analysis.

The 930 Compact IC Flex is Metrohm’s new ion chromatograph for routine analysis developed with a focus on the requirements of contract laboratories and QC laboratories in all kinds of industries. Rugged design, perfect ease of use and outstanding system reliability are key features of the 930 Compact IC Flex. Monitoring and control functions for system parameters, service intervals, calibrations, and results take the stress out of daily routine operation while ensuring high-quality measuring results – even when things get hectic in the laboratory.

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