SEE your food analysis clearly with the Retsch Technology Camsizer XT

Retsch: SEE your food analysis clearly with the Retsch Technology Camsizer XT

Watch the new video to SEE what the Camsizer® can do for you!

SEE how the Camsizer® system can provide you SIZE and SHAPE analysis with faster results and less effort by watching our video and downloading the application report.

The CAMSIZER XT from Retsch Technology can analyse foodstuffs in many different forms: powders, crystals, granulates or suspensions. Particle size of both raw materials and finished products affect taste, solubility, extraction behaviour, mouth feel and many other physical properties. The material is often agglomerated, oily or sticky, so proper dispersion is a big challenge. Air jet sieving or laser diffraction are commonly used methods, but they suffer from bad resolution and high labour input (sieving) or limited data significance or sensitivity (laser diffraction).

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