The workhorse for salt titration: 898 XYZ Sample Changer

The workhorse for salt titration: 898 XYZ Sample Changer

The 898 Sample Changer, for fast and large throughput of salt analysis in food products.

Salt analysis is a universal and important titration for food products. Vital for assessing the safety and taste of various foods from cheeses, soup, flavourings plus more, the 898 is the workhorse for the laboratory that does many of these samples on a daily basis. The 898, combined with a 905 Titrando utilising the Metrohm patented “Dosino” technology, and controlled by the world’s leading titration software, tiamo™, means tedious work has become a thing of the past.

The 898 XYZ Sample Changer provides automation to the analysis of large sample series with utmost precision. Plenty of space for 82 samples and the 898’s high operating speed mean that you save considerable amounts of time in routine analysis. That’s valuable time you can use for evaluating results or doing other work in your laboratory.

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