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Food and beverage analysis

Food and beverage analysis

Analytical chemistry makes sure that consumers obtain safe and sanitary food in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Foods are highly complex materials

Today’s food and beverages (F&B) are much more than just simple “organic fuels” needed for survival. Beyond their nutritive value, they are consumed for their taste or flavor.

Increasingly, they are also a source for maintaining health and enhancing our well-being via high-quality nutrition.

Food quality and safety aspects

At the same time, with an ever-increasing number of processed foods, food quality and safety aspects are becoming more important. All the more because foods are highly complex materials – prone to degradation and contamination – that contain myriads of compounds.

Analytical chemistry

Analytical chemistry makes sure that consumers obtain safe and sanitary food in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Nutrient information, food traceability, and protection against fraud are further challenges.

From the process point of view, analytical chemistry supports the manufacturer to improve yields and optimize quality by offering robust, efficient, and sensitive instrumentation.

Sodium determination in food: Fast and direct thanks to thermometric titration


Carbohydrate analysis by ion chromatography

Whatever your concern is, Metrohm is the right partner.

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