Accurate pH and ion measurement

Accurate pH and ion measurement

Accuracy comes through high quality instruments and probes.

Quality sensors pay for themselves

A tradesman is only as good as his tools allow him to be.

Similarly, a laboratory is only as good as their instruments and data allow them to be. Poor quality sensors produce slow responses and inaccurate results; in other words: poor data for analysis and the need for re-testing. Metrohm electrodes for pH, ion selective measurement (ISE) and conductivity are developed to solve the analytical challenges seen by our customers every day.

What is so special about Metrohm Sensors?

By choosing pH, ion, and conductivity meters from Metrohm, you choose not only rugged and highly precise instruments and first-rate sensors, but also years of application knowledge and reliable expert support.

Strict manufacturing process

Development and manufacturing of sensors follow a strict process to ensure the sensors provide, not only the highest accuracy, but a robustness to cope with everyday use. When combined with Metrohm analytical instruments, Metrohm sensors produce data that can be relied upon for accurate analysis.

Faster, more accurate and fewer re-tests, quality sensors pay for themselves.

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