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In situ SERS effect with screen-printed silver electrodes

In this work, time resolved Raman spectroelectrochemistry measurements with screen printed electrodes are shown. 

The instrument used combines in a totally integrated box: a 785 nm laser source, a high resolution Raman spectrometer and a bipotentiostat/galvanostat. Experiments are controlled with an excellent spectroelectrochemical software which allows real time data collection and useful data treatment.

SPELEC RAMAN was coupled with a reflection Raman probe and a specific cell for screen-printed electrodes. An in situ surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) assay was carried out using screen-printed silver electrodes.

The Tris(2-2’- bipyrdyl)dichlororuthenium(II) complex shows an intensive SERS effect after activation of the electrode surface by cyclic voltammetry. In situ dynamic SERS effect could be followed in real time by the SPELEC RAMAN instrument obtaining information on the electrode processes leading to high SERS signals.

The sensitive detection of the ruthenium complex could be achieved in a simple and precise way using Raman spectroelectrochemistry, SPELEC RAMAN and cost-effective screen-printed silver electrodes.

Refer to the White Paper below for further details.

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