Faster Titration

Faster Titration

Improve efficiency and reproducibility in the lab with automated titration.

Titration is the simplest of techniques. Anyone can do it. Yet it is common to see terrible repeatability for QC samples and reproducibility between analysts. One of the primary reasons is the time taken to perform a manual titration correctly.

To produce consistent results, the correct technique is required. As is time, something in short supply for most analysts these days. Automating titration takes away the time constraints of the analyst and ensures results are consistently picked. No more arguments about the shade of pink, just the right end point, every time.

Taking it to a new level, Metrohm’s OMNIS titration system provides automation for up to four analysis stations in one analytical system. Stations can be configured to individual analysis, or all put to the same use churning through enormous sample numbers in a short time.

175 sample not enough? Sample racks can easily be hot swapped to allow continuous re-loading.

Automated titration, pH and conductivity measurement are now faster than ever before.

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