pH measurement. Are you getting it right?

pH measurement. Are you getting it right?

pH, its not quite as straight forward as it may seem.

pH measurement is one of the first things we learn in science. Acid and base. Simple, right?

Measurement of pH should be one of the easiest things to do in the lab. So why do so many get it so wrong!

The basics

Firstly, many do not take in the basics. Temperature, calibration and electrode. All have a strong influence on the pH value that shows up on your meter.

How often do you calibrate your pH meter? Do you know how temperature influences your pH result? Aqueous or non-aqueous, are you using the right pH probe for your sample?

Utilise Metrohm’s expertise and knowledge to make sure you are getting the correct pH result in your lab, your students too.

Webinars, videos, monographs

Webinars, maintenance videos and support can be found on the Metrohm website or at our regularly held workshops.

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