Identifying polymers with Raman spectroscopy

Identifying polymers with Raman spectroscopy

Metrohm Raman: Overlay of the spectra of selected polymer samples.

Raman spectroscopy identifies the polymers such as ABS, PE, PS, PET and PMMA in various dyes. Rapid and non-destructive determination takes place after a suitable spectrum database has been created. Measurements with the Raman spectrometer Mira require no sample preparation and provide immediate and unambiguous results.

Handheld Raman spectroscopy ideal for polymer identification

Today’s industry, but also daily life, cannot be imagined without polymers. Handheld Raman spectroscopy is uniquely suited for the identification of commonly used polymers, because evident results are obtained within seconds. Furthermore, because Raman analysis is nondestructive, later use or recycling of the sample remains unrestricted.

In this study, a library of widespread polymers of different colors was built and subsequently used for the identification of unknown polymer samples.

All spectra measured with Mira handheld Raman spectrometer in auto acquisition mode

All spectra were measured using the Mira M-1 handheld Raman spectrometer in auto acquisition mode, i.e., integration times were determined automatically. A laser wavelength of 785 nm and the Orbital-Raster-Scan (ORS) technique were used. As many of the polymer samples were very thin, spectra were recorded with the point-and-shoot adapter, which is suitable for a short working distance (SWD).

Building a comprehensive library

An extensive collection of ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), PA (Polyamide), PC (Polycarbonate), PE (Polyethylene), PP (Polypropylene), PS (Polystyrene), PET (Polyethylene terephthalate), PVC (Poly(vinyl chloride)), and PMMA (Poly(methyl methacrylate)) polymer standards and samples of different colors was used to build a comprehensive library with the Mira Cal software.

Application Note “Identifying polymers with Raman spectroscopy”

The Application Note “Identifying polymers with Raman spectroscopy” – AN-RS 1 describes the Raman spectroscopy identification of polymers such as ABS, PE, PS, PET and PMMA in various dyes. Rapid and non-destructive determination takes place after a suitable spectrum database has been created. Measurements with the Raman spectrometer Mira M-1 require no sample preparation and provide immediate and unambiguous results.

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