Corrosion monitoring for industrial cooling systems

Minimise downtime by monitoring corrosion inhibitors on-line.

Copper is widely used for piping in industrial cooling water systems due to its heat transfer properties. Unfortunately, it is highly susceptible to corrosion. Corrosion can cause a loss of efficiency and eventually a failure of equipment leading to costly maintenance, replacement and downtime.

Triazole concentrations

Corrosion inhibitors, triazoles, are regularly added to the water chemistry to form sparingly soluble protective layers on the surface of metal piping. Triazole concentrations must be maintained to protect the copper, which necessitates regular concentration determinations in cooling water.

Metrohm Process Ion Chromatograph with UV/VIS detection is well-suited for this application, able to precisely and reliably measure multiple ionic and UV-active compounds simultaneously in cooling water.

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