Stability tests for total As and total Sb measurements
Online monitoring of various waters carries many benefits. Besides of making results continuously available, it also pays off financially. Savings can be significant when compared to other methods.
Total Antimony (Sb) and Total Arsenic (As)
We just completed an extensive survey and application test to measure total Antimony (Sb) and total Arsenic (As) for an Australian mining company.
The results were perfectly utilisable. The measured concentrations matched the reference ICP results very closely.
The order has now been placed and Metrohm Australia will be installing the final system that will provide continuous and reliable measurements with a minimal amount of required interaction by the user (around 5 to 30 min a week).
Mercury-free voltammetry system developed in Australia
The mercury-free voltammetry system was developed in Australia a couple of years ago. It features:
- Automatic cleaning programs – no manual cleaning needed
- Coarse filtration to prevent blockages
- Automatic analyses of validation samples to ensure that results are always reliable
- Automatic sample digestion
- Minimal manual work to run the system successfully (approx. 5 to 30 minutes per week)