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Metrohm DropSens electroChemiLuminescence instruments and accessories

Metrohm DropSens ElectroChemiLuminescence Instruments and Accessories

Electrochemiluminescence (also called electrogenerated chemiluminescence and abbreviated ECL) involves the generation of species at electrode surfaces that then undergo electron-transfer reactions to form excited states that emit light.

Metrohm DropSens ElectroChemiLuminescence is an useful equipments for combined electrochemical and electrochemiluminescence analysis to be used with our screen-printed electrodes.

Key features of Instrument

  • µStat ECL is a portable BiPotentiostat/Galvanostat combined with a specific Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) Cell that performs ELECTROCHEMILUMINESCENCE studies with DropSens Screen-Printed Electrodes (SPEs).
  • A BiPotentiostat/Galvanostat (± 4 V DC potential range, ± 40 mA maximum measurable current) and a Si-Photodiode integrated in the ECL Cell (Spectral response range: 340 – 1100nm) are combined for the first time in the market for offering simple, compact and portable solution in the field of ELECTROCHEMILUMINESCENCE to be used with SPEs.
  • The equipment can also be used independently as a Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat (EC mode) with all the functionalities of the well-known DropSens instruments.

Metrohm DropSens ElectroChemiLuminescence instrument (STAT-ECL) is controlled by the DROPVIEW 8400 software.

Key features of DROPVIEW 8400

  • Remote control of the amplification for ECL signals (with x1, x10 and x100 gain).
  • Plot overlay, peak integration, smoothing, subtraction, derivative curve, baseline fitting, etc.
  • Script editor for programming specific work routines.
  • Real Time dual axis plot to show at same time the ECL signal and the electrochemical measurement.
  • 3D plotting of curves
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