Karl Fischer Titration for accurate moisture analysis

Karl Fischer Titration, accurate moisture analysis

Accurate moisture analysis, the basis of chemical quality control.

Whether manufacturing pharmaceuticals or processing petroleum, accurate moisture analysis is a key to ensuring product quality.

Moisture levels are monitored for a number of reasons. In the food industry, excess moisture can lead to shortened shelf life. For pharmaceutical production, moisture levels have a direct impact on the purity, and therefore strength of dose in a medication. No one wants water in their petrol or engine oil and heavy industry looks to minimise moisture in their process as, where there is water, there will be corrosion.

As moisture analysis is heavily relied upon in industry, it is imperative the basics of moisture analysis are taught. Karl Fischer titration provides the most accurate analysis for moisture. At high levels of moisture, g/L to %, Volumetric Karl Fischer titration is a fast and cost effective technique. At low levels, parts per million, where detection limits and accuracy are critical; Coulometric Karl Fischer provides accuracy and repeatability.

Metrohm provide expertise and knowledge developed over decades of providing quality Karl Fischer instrumentation to industries around the globe. Monographs, webinars, application notes and simple tips and tricks for optimising Karl Fischer analysis are available from Metrohm Australia.

Contact us to see how Karl Fischer analysis can be integrated into teaching and research environments.

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