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Metrohm DropSens Portable Potentiostat – µStat400

Metrohm DropSens Portable Potentiostat - µStat400

Portable Line potentiostats/galvanostats combine electrochemical research in the laboratory with on-site research using well-established electrochemical techniques.

These small and affordable portable instruments enable you to develop applications for your specific research needs. Portable Line instruments are an ideal solution in many research areas, such as (bio)sensor, corrosion, or (bio)fuel cell.

μStat 400 is a portable BiPotentiostat/Galvanostat that can be applied for Voltammetric, Amperometric or Potentiometric measurements and can be used with one- or two-working electrodes configuration. Li-ion Battery powered, it can be easily connected to a PC via USB and Bluetooth®.

About µStat400

  • µStat400 can be used with one- or two-working electrodes configuration
  • Can be applied for VoltammetricAmperometric or Potentiometric measurements, including 24 electroanalytical methods
  • µStat400 bipotentiostat/galvanostat is Li-ion Batterypowered (USB charger adapter compatible) and it can be easily connected to a PC via USB, RS232 and Bluetooth®
  • DropViewsoftware provides powerful functions such as experimental control, graphs or file handling, among others.
  • Dimensions: 13.2 x 10.0 x 3.6 cm (Length x Width x Height)

DropSens μStat400 features

  • Operating modes: Bi-Potentiostat, Potentiostat, Galvanostat
  • DC-Potential range ±4.096 V
  • Current ranges (potentiostat) ±1 nA to ±10 mA (8 ranges)
  • Maximum measurable current ±40 mA
  • Potential ranges (galvanostat) ±100 mV, ±1 V (2 ranges)
  • Power Li-ion Battery (1250 mAh) + USB DC charger adaptor
  • PC interface Bluetooth® / USB / RS232
  • DropView 8400 Software
  • DRP-STAT400 – Bi-potentiostat/Galvanostat

DS 110

Package includes

  • DRP-STAT400 – Bi-potentiostat/Galvanostat
  • DRP-CABSTAT – Bi-potentiostat cell cable
  • 1 x ref DSC – Interface between screen-printed electrodes and any kind of potentiostat
  • 1x ref BICAST – Interface for Bi-potentiostatic measurements with screen printed electrodes
  • 75x ref 110 – box of screen printed electrodes – Carbon WE
  • Briefcase
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