MagIC Net: Automated data transfer between your IC software and LIMS

MagIC Net: Automated data transfer between your IC software and LIMS

Tired of entering data in LIMS? We can help with that, it’s MagIC!

It has been mentioned here, and in many other places, the number one source of errors in the lab is the person holding the burette, making up the reagents or labelling the vial. This is also true for transferring data from an instrument to a database, local or network.
Poor handwriting, need-to-pick-up-dinner-itis and haven’t-had-my-coffee-o’clock all lead to reporting errors in the laboratory. By automating the transfer of data, none of these afflictions needs to affect the laboratory anymore.
MagIC Net incorporates a range of export AND import functions to ensure data is associated with the correct sample ID, and transferred without error. Sample ID and sampling information can be imported from LIMS or with the use of a barcode scanner.
Depending on the laboratory requirements, result information can be exported automatically at the completion of an analysis, or, after verification by the analyst with a click of the mouse.
MagIC Net 3.2 is available for download from the Metrohm website. Updates for current MagIC Net 2.x or 3.x users can be download at no charge.

A 30 day trial version of MagIC Net is also available from the Metrohm website.

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