Even small concentrations of impurities can have a big influence in the pharmaceutical industry

Selective matrix elimination enables trace level analysis in highly concentrated matrices.

Selective matrix elimination enables trace level analysis in highly concentrated matrices.

Even small concentrations of impurities can have a big influence in the pharmaceutical industry.

Heavy metals, catalysts, reagents, other materials like charcoal, and more are some of the various sources of impurities in pharmaceutical products. These unwanted chemicals, even in small concentrations, can influence the efficacy and safety of the product.

One of the challenges of pharmaceutical samples is the wide range of analytes present at potentially high concentrations.

The determination of impurities can efficiently be performed by utilising the broad range of in-line sample preparation techniques available with Metrohm analytical instrumentation. With these systems it is possible to separate desired analytes from strong interfering matrices, or matrices that would otherwise create issues with the chromatography flow path.

The best news, the majority of these in-line sample preparation techniques can be automated by a Metrohm system, without the need for operator interaction.

Techniques for in-line preparation include;

  • Matrix elimination, for low level analysis in a strong ionic matrix.
  • Sample filtration, to remove particulates.
  • Dialysis, allowing direct analysis of bodily fluids, samples containing proteins and biological samples.
  • Pre-concentration, for ultra-trace analysis.
  • Dilution, ensures high concentrations are injected within your calibration range with the highest accuracy dilutions.


In-line sample preparation removes additional manual preparation for chromatography analysis. By minimising the hands-on time required for operators, costs are reduced while manual handling errors are removed.

Additionally, in-line sample preparation ensures samples are fit for analysis every time.

This results in longer column life, more instrument up time and, most importantly, less time spent troubleshooting instrument issues.

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