Photometric titration of nickel

Photometric titration of nickel

Photometric titration of nickel using the Optrode (520 nm). Murexide was used as the indicator and EDTA as the titrant.

Determination of nickel by photometric titration

Nickel-containing materials play a major role in our everyday lives – food preparation equipment, mobile phones, medical equipment, transport, buildings, power generation – to name a few.

They are selected because they offer greater corrosion resistance, better toughness, superior strength at high and low temperatures, and a range of unique magnetic and electronic properties. About 90% of all new nickel sold each year goes into alloys, two-thirds going into stainless steel.

This Metrohm Application Note describes the photometric titration of nickel using the Optrode (520 nm). Murexide was used as the indicator and EDTA as the titrant.

Questions? Contact us

Metrohm Application Note T-082: Nickel by Titration [web/pdf]

Karl Fischer Analysis [web]


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