How dry is your yoghurt powder?

How dry is your yoghurt powder?

The Metrohm application note “KF Application Note No. K-7” describes the determination of the water content of yoghurt powder according to Karl Fischer.

Water content determination in yoghurt powder by Karl Fischer

Yoghurt powder is often used in the commercial and domestic preparations of a variety of yoghurt-based foods, desserts, snacks, sauces, and other yoghurt products.

Cooking with yoghurt powder is convenient as it has a longer shelf life than fresh yoghurt, with good solubility. It can be mixed in both hot and cold liquids, and, in both cases, it enhances the texture and flavor of the food products. It also has good binding properties which make it an appropriate replacement for any starches, stabilizers and gums that would normally have been needed.

It is possible to buy yoghurt powder in most food stores and malls; the powders will usually come with the designations of non-fat, dehydrated or cultured.

The Metrohm application note “KF Application Note No. K-7” describes the determination of the water content of yoghurt powder according to Karl Fischer. Because of the relatively high water and fat content, the sample is prediluted with a 1:1 mixture of chloroform and methanol.

Questions? Contact us

Metrohm Application Note K-7: Water in yoghurt powder [web/pdf]

Karl Fischer Analysis [web]

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