Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus by ASTM D8001

Nitrogen and Phosphorus

Simple, fast quantification of nitrogen and phosphate in environmental samples

Nitrogen and Phosphorus

The analysis of nutrients in soil and water is very important to farming and environmental health. A lack of nitrogen or phosphorus in soils will inhibit crop growth. An excess can lead to unwanted organic growth in waterways due to runoff waters.

ASTM D8001

Historically, total nitrogen is quantified colourimetrically after a distillation. ASTM D8001 moves away from distillation to a digestion followed by ion chromatography. Not only does this provide a more reproducible process. It also allows for the analysis of total phosphorus at the same time.

Ion Chromatography – A convenient solution

Analysis of total nitrogen in environmental samples has long been a time consuming process.

The use of ion chromatography not only removes a number of the time consuming steps it also allows the quantification of phosphorus.

Typical analysis of total nitrogen requires a distillation followed by colorimetric determination. As distillation is a tedious process and not reproducible, errors are easily introduced.

ASTM D8001 provides a simple solution for simultaneous determination of total nitrogen and sulfur:

Key Advantages:

  • Simplified sample preparatio
  • Low operation costs
  • Reproducible results
  • Low detection limits
  • Multiple parameters in one analysis
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