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Metrohm Autolab: Portable Potentiostat Kit

Metrohm Autolab: Portable Potentiostat Kit

The world of electrochemistry in your hands

910 PSTAT mini is a small and compact, PC-controlled potentiostat with USB connector for training purposes as well as simple applications in research and development. An easy to use PSTAT software supplied which offers the main electrochemical measuring techniques. A dedicated package that includes everything you need to get started in the world of electrochemistry. It is easy and intuitive to operate, comes with all accessories that are required for operation, and can perform most fundamental electrochemical methods.

Key features

  • Voltage range: ±2 V
  • Voltage resolution: 1 mV
  • Current range: ±200 µA
  • Current measurement: 6 ranges (2 nA to 200 µA)
  • Current resolution: 0.1% of the current measurement range (for the ranges 10 nA – 100 µA), 10 pA in the smallest current measurement range (1 nA)


Electrochemical techniques

  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)
  • Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)
  • Square Wave Voltammetry (SWV)
  • Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV)
  • Amperometric Detection (AD)
  • Pulsed Amperometric Detection (PAD)


Possible applications

  • Training in electrochemistry (practical courses for students, demonstration experiments)
  • Electrochemical research and development (sensor development, reversibility of electrochemical reactions, reaction kinetics)
  • Portable in-field electrochemical sensors


The package includes

  • Transport case
  • 910 PSTAT mini
  • Measuring vessel and stand
  • Software CD
  • Dummy Cell
  • A selection of screen-printed electrodes (SPE): 30 carbon electrodes, 30 gold electrodes and 15 platinum electrodes
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