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Metrohm Autolab: Electrocatalysis Package

Metrohm Autolab: Electrocatalysis Package

A Total Solution for Electrocatalysis Research

The PGSTAT204 combines its small footprint with a modular design. The instrument includes a base potentiostat/galvanostat and an additional Dual mode bipotentiostat (BA) module. This feature converts Autolab into a double channel potentiostat with which measurements on 2 working electrodes such as RRDE.

This package includes a light weight and compact RRDE/RDE setup. The unit can go up to 10,000 rpm. Neither electrode wobbling nor spilling of solution is observed even at such a high rpm. Thanks to liquid Hg contact which guarantees low noise and no wear and tear. The frictionless, brushless and dustless Hg contact also ensures less maintenance.  A range of RRDE electrodes are available to meet the requirement of various research investigations and applications. This package also contains a complete RRDE vessel with thermostat jacket, a RRDE tip, reference & counter electrodes and many more accessories.

Highly flexible NOVA 2.1 software allows the user to build a complete procedure incorporating various rotating speed, data processing and Levich and Koutecký-Levich analysis.

A single click on NOVA will deliver the final plots and results!

Key Features

  • Lightweight and compact design
  • 20 volts Compliance Voltage
  • 400 milli Amps, maximum measurable current
  • Rotation of the electrode tip to 10,000 RPM
  • Complete cell setup
  • Fully integrated NOVA software
  • A ready to go package for Electrocatalysis experiments


Possible Applications

  • Fuel cell and electrocatalyst material testing
  • Mechanistic information: detection of intermediates via collection and sheilding experiments (RRDE)
  • Electrochemical kinetics studies
  • ORR invesitgation and Probing peroxides in fuel cell studies
  • Electrosynthesis
  • Mass-transport properties with forced convection conditions



Bipotentiostatic measurements in hydrodynamic conditions: Oxygen reduction reaction with the RRDE (Top). Levich and Koutecký-Levich analysis (Bottom)

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