Farmed fish to overtake wild caught by 2030

Fish is well­ known as a healthy source of animal protein, high in unsaturated fats and other essential nutrients. In 2013, 17% of worldwide animal protein intake came from fish (UN, The State of World Fisheries and Aqua­ culture 2016). According to the UN, the current world population is expected to increase to 8.5 billion by 2030 («World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision»).

With the ever-growing population comes the challenge of global food security. Aquaculture has already gained a foothold in many coastal communities, and farm raised fish sales are on the rise. This has turned aquaculture into a major part of the export economy in some countries.

It is expected that global seafood consumption from farm raised sources will increase significantly in the coming years. Therefore administering sustainable practices in the burgeoning aquaculture industry is key to alleviate pressure on wild fish stocks and reduce other environmental impacts.

Healthy fish require monitoring

Adherence to strict environmental and health standards is important as a food producer. Animal health, hygiene, and especially water use are important factors to con­ sider in aquaculture. Disease and sickness can spread easily between the animals, and due to the nature of these floating aquatic farms, the outbreaks can spread to wild populations as well. Medical treatments and additional nutrients must be regulated to protect the other wildlife. Ensuring correct dosage of these as well as monitoring the water quality and waste is essential for compliance with government standards.

Lower costs with optimization 

Implementing a process analyzer will lower the costs of running a fish farm by accurately monitoring the water for medications, nutrients, and waste levels – optimizing the processes which keep your fish healthy and growing.

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  • Delousing with Hydrogen Peroxide 
  • Monitoring nutrient loads 
  • Water quality
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