Dairy analysis in compliance with international standards

With Metrohm’s freely available application notes and reports, complying with international standards is a sure thing.

Dairy analysis: The presence of fats and proteins often renders sample preparation in milk and dairy products laborious and error-prone.

Reliable automated sample preparation for dairy analysis

Metrohm’s automated instruments take over sample preparation. Besides saving time and improving traceability, you can increase the reliability of your analyses and ensure compliance with international regulations.

Standards for the analysis of dairy products and milk

Parameters Standard Matrix
Water content BS ISO 5536 Milk fat products
Chloride content DIN EN ISO 5943 Cheese and processed cheese products
Water content ISO 5536 Milk fat products
Titratable acidity ISO/TS 11869 Fermented milks
Pb AOAC 974.13
AOAC 979.17
Milk, dairy, and yoghurt drinks
Ascorbic Acid, Pb AOAC 979.17 Milk, dairy, and yoghurt drinks
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