Silver Award for Excellence in Instrumentation for Process IC

Proud days for Metrohm Process Analytics in Chicago: The new Process Ion Chromatograph wins the Pittcon Silver Award for Excellence in Instrumentation.

Pittcon 2017 in Chicago might be a 20-hour flight away (or more) from Australia… Nonetheless at the annual leading exposition for laboratory science featuring new technology and scientific research Metrohm had some very good days.

Pittcon Silver Award for Process IC

Metrohm, the perennial groundbreaker in ion analysis received the Pittcon Today Silver Award for Excellence for its recently introduced Process Ion Chromatograph. The innovative system was presented by Metrohm Process Analytics mid 2016 and is now available around the globe.

The new Process Ion Chromatograph (IC) offers a flexible online solution for continuous monitoring of ionic compounds in liquid media from ng/L to % concentrations. With one injection, multiple components components can be analysed – all together with automated, intelligent inline sample preparation and injection techniques.

The wide range of available analytical columns, detectors, and equipment makes it very easy to adapt lab applications to almost any process requirement.

Metrohm USA also introduced the new OMNIS Titration Platform that was launched in Australia mid last year. The MIRA M-3 – the new RAMAN handheld spectrometer, the new low-cost ECO IC for routine analysis and teaching labs and Vision Air, the intuitive spectroscopy software were presented with  great success as well. All these products are also available in Australia and New Zealand at MEP Instruments, a company of Metrohm.

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