A calorie for your thoughts? Sugar in foodstuff

While sugar was a rather scarce good in the distant past, at times even used as medicine, it is now found in almost all manufactured and processed foods and drinks around the globes.

Today, sugar in foodstuff  has become a major health related topic. Stricter limitations and more specific labelling requirements are being introduced.

Determination of sugar and sugar alcohol in foodstuff

Determination of sugar can be performed adequately and efficiently with an ion chromatography system such as the Metrohm 930 Compact IC Flex with an IC Amperometric Detector, a 858 Professional Sample Processor, an IC Wall-Jet cell: Carb (Au, Pd) using Metrohm’s amazing MISP Inline Ultrafiltration.

With low detection limits and robust in-line sample preparation techniques Metrohm Ion Chromatography provides an efficient solution to carbohydrate analysis needs.

There is a link below to Metrohm’s Application Note P-62 “Sugars and sugar alcohols in an apple drink applying pulsed amperometric detection” demonstrating the determination process by applying the method to an apple drink.

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