Confidence in Quality with Metrohm Installation Services

Metrohm Installation Services.

Metrohm Installation Services ensure a proper installation and commissioning of your new instrument in accordance with the supplier’s specifications by trained professionals. This ensures that you can rely on the quality of your analytical results from day one.

Metrohm installation service packages

Depending on the environment you work in and your specific demands, MEP can offer you a Metrohm installation solution based on 3 levels of documentation to suit your requirements, from a general approach to a highly detailed and modular package.

Basic Installation (BI)
During installation, every system is inspected and tested for error-free operation. Important information is documented in the Basic Installation Record.

Certified Installation (CI)
This is a more comprehensive service with a higher level of documentation. Your system will be properly installed and its functionality verified and documented.

Analytical Instrument Qualification (AIQ)
Commonly known as IQ/OQ. The required documentation is provided in strict accordance to the current regulations. This ensures that every single hardware and software component functions correctly, both individually and as part of the system as a whole.

Based on detailed, predefined instructions (SOPs), a series of standard measurements are performed, statistically evaluated, and compared with the manufacturer’s specifications.

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