Automate your Peroxide Value Determinations with Ease

Automate your Peroxide Value Determinations with Ease

The Metrohm Dis-Cover in use for Peroxide Value Determinations.

Titration analyses are a way of testing the quality of various food types. The peroxide number or value is a good measure of the amount of damage suffered by the sample (storage, oxidation by light or temperature effects).

The test requires the analyst to add potassium iodide before letting the test solution stand in the dark for one minute before titrating with Sodium Thiosulphate.

In the past, this was a difficult test to fully automate but now with the Metrohm Dis-Cover accessories, the analysis can be fully automated. The Dis-Cover arm will place and remove the lid as needed, therefore mimicking the process of standing a solution in the dark. Fully automate your titration tests with Metrohm.


Questions? Contact us

Titration Application Note T-110: Automated determination of the peroxide value


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