Press Release: Retsch XL – New line of big crushers and grinders

Retsch GmbH – world-leading supplier of lab equipment for sample homogenization and sieve analysis – have enhanced their product range with a complete line of instruments for applications with large feed sizes and high throughput rates.

The new program will be integrated into the existing product line under the name of “X-Large” and complement it in many areas. Now Retsch offer, for example, a series of jaw crushers with feed sizes from 40 mm to 350×170 mm. The new XL models of ball mills, vibratory disc mills and sample dividers provide a substantially higher throughput than the laboratory-scale models. The new portfolio also includes a number of testing equipment to determine the Bond Grinding Indices.

This program extension will give Retsch access to markets like the coal, steel and mining industry which until now could only be served with laboratory instruments for small sample volumes.

Retsch, who celebrated their 100th anniversary last year, is now the only supplier worldwide offering a portfolio that ranges from ball mills for nano grinding to jaw crushers with a throughput of 3500 kg per hour, thus covering the entire field of size reduction.

Several new crushers and grinders are now available at Metrohm Australia/Metrohm New Zealand:

  • Jaw Crushers for batch or continuous operations BB 250 XL, BB 400 XL, BB 500 XL and BB 600 XL used for used for rapid, effective, crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials
  • the Vibratory Disc Mill RS 300 XL for the extremely quick, loss-free and reproducible grinding of medium-hard, brittle and fibrous materials to analytical fineness
  •  the Bond Index Tester BT 100 XL to calculate crushing / abrasion behavior of mineral samples
  •  the Flotation Tester FT 100 XL used to determine the percentages of the reagents required in a production flotation cell and for metallurgical sampling
  •  the Abrasion Tester AT 100 XL (Bond Index) to calculate metal wear rates in crushers and ball consumption rates in ball mills
  •  the Impact Tester IT 100 XL (Bond Index) used for the determination of the Crushing Work Index (CWI)

Approx. 387 words

The full range of Retsch sample preparation and sieve analysis solutions is available in Metrohm Australia/Metrohm New Zealand.

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