pH and Conductivity of Soil and soil extracts

pH and Conductivity of Soil and soil extracts

Metrohm: pH and Conductivity of Soil and soil extracts

Chromatogram of 10 ppb cyanide and sulphide in water.

In many soil analysis laboratories pH and Conductivity of soil or soil extracts is a vital but tedious task. CaCl2 needs to be added often as well.

The whole process can be automated using the large capacity Metrohm 898 XYZ Sample Changer, which when controlled by the world-leading tiamo® software, gives you unparalleled flexibility and sample throughput.

The operator simply places sample on the racks, presses start and the system measures pH and Conductivity at the same time and cleans via a wash station in between analyses, all data being captured by tiamo® and exported out if required.

Watch our application video

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