Reaction monitoring with Metrohm NIRSystems

NIRSystems: Safer, more eco-friendly, and more effective.

With NIRSystems from Metrohm , you can benefit from a technology that provides tailored solutions to make your industrial processes safer, more eco-friendly, and more effective.

Polymers: Spectroscopic methods are predestined for polymerization process monitoring.

Available as benchtop and inline systems, Metrohm NIRSystems analyzers help you to keep track of what’s going on in your reactors. These techniques yield results in seconds, do away with reagents, and are nondestructive.

For direct inline measurement, Metrohm offers the NIRS Analyzer PRO. With this system, you no longer have to worry about sampling or sample preparation.

Learn more about our solutions for reaction monitoring on this here:

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