Metrohm Autolab: NOVA 2.0 — Advanced electrochemical software for Autolab instruments

NOVA 2.0 — latest version of the advanced electrochemical software for Autolab instruments.

NOVA 2.0 combines the latest .NET software technology with a simple and modern user interface. Graphical representations of common tasks enable the user to develop and carry out basic or advanced electrochemical procedures. This application is available for all compatible Metrohm Autolab instruments and accessories.

NOVA 2.0 uses a simple and effective graphical presentation that is consistently used throughout the application. Each command in a procedure is represented by a simple tile which immediately provides a visual overview of the procedure steps. Less is more and NOVA 2.0 applies this as much as possible, displaying only the most relevant information in all parts of the application.

The new visual style greatly facilitates the learning process of NOVA 2.0, making it a welcoming environment for both experienced users and newcomers alike.

Panels can be collapsed to provide more room or can be undocked to be displayed on a second screen, if applicable.

Principal features of the Autolab NOVA 2.0 software:

  • A dashboard for quick access to relevant information
  • Tabbed navigation within the application
  • An extensive library of standard techniques and methods
  • Facile creation of customised procedures
  • Data analysis tools and flexible plotting options
  • A powerful procedure scheduler for simultaneous control of up to 128 instruments
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