DropSens: Portable Multi-Channel Potentiostat / Galvanostat

DropSens: Portable Multi-Channel Potentiostat / Galvanostat

DropSens μStat 8000 Multi-Potentiostat / Galvanostat.

DropSens is proud to announce the launch of the world first portable Multi Potentiostat / Galvanostat in the market, the NEW μStat 8000.

Our brand new instrument, of only 22x20x7 cm, includes 8 channels that can act at the same time as 8 independent potentiostats / galvanostats; it also includes one multichannel that can act as a potentiostat where up to 8 working electrodes share an auxiliary and a reference electrode.

With μStat 8000 users can perform up to 8 different electrochemical techniques at the same time; or carry out the study of one technique’s parameter in just one step by applying the same electrochemical technique in several channels but selecting different values for the parameter under study. These are just examples of the enormous capabilities that our new instrument offers.

μStat 8000 can be applied for Voltammetric, Amperometric or Potentiometric measurements, including 18 electroanalytical techniques.

The NEW portable Multi Potentiostat / Galvanostat is Li-ion Battery powered (DC charger adaptor also compatible), and can be easily connected to a PC via USB or Bluetooth®.

μStat 8000 is controlled by the NEW powerful software “DropView 8400” which allows plotting of the measurements and performing the analysis of results. DropView software provides powerful functions such as experimental control, graphs or file handling, among others.

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