More and More Australian Research Institutes trust Retsch Cutting Mills SM 300

More and More Australian Research Institutes trust Retsch Cutting Mills SM 300

Examples of applications served by the SM 300 in Australia by Metrohm in the past 2 years: Agricultural samples, Feed, Wood, Electronic waste, Coal.

Cutting mills are suitable for the grinding of soft, medium-hard, tough, elastic, fibrous, and heterogeneous mixes of products. The new Cutting Mill SM 300 excels especially in the tough jobs where other cutting mills fail.

Examples of applications served by the SM 300 in Australia by Metrohm in the past 2 years: Agricultural samples, Feed, Wood, Electronic waste, Coal.

Search Retsch’s database of 79 test reports on the SM 300 to see if it has already been employed for your material.

The high torque of the new 3 kW drive with RES technology (additional flywheel mass) allows for an exceptionally effective preliminary size reduction of heterogeneous mixtures, such as waste or electronic components. Analytical fineness is often achieved in one working run.

The cutting mill is used successfully for a great variety of materials. The sample is only moderately warmed up during the grinding process so that the mill is perfectly suitable for grinding temperature-sensitive materials. Another innovation is the wide, freely selectable speed range from 700 to 3,000 min-1.

When operated with the optional cyclone-suction-combination, the SM 300 is also suitable for grinding light sample materials or smaller quantities. In combination with the wide choice of bottom sieves, hoppers and collecting vessels, the mill can be easily adapted to varying application requirements.

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Application Database: Milling

Product Information: Cutting Mill SM 300


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