Investigation of the thermal decomposition of lithium hexafluorophosphate-based organic electrolytes

Investigation of the thermal decomposition of lithium hexafluorophosphate-based organic electrolytes

Battery energy: Research on storage of renewable energy – (Photos: Hideki Kimura, Kouhei Sagawa and others).

Scientists from Dr. Sascha Nowak’s group at the University of Münster (Germany) are doing research on electrolytes for lithium ion batteries.

For the development of a separation method, they used and compared three ion chromatographic columns with different capacities and stationary phases.

Besides the known hydrolysis products of lithium hexafluorophosphate, several new organophosphates were separated and identified with the developed IC-ESI-MS method during aging investigations of the electrolytes. The chemical structures were elucidated with IC-ESI-MS/MS.

The group used an 850 Professional IC, 881 Compact IC, 3200 LC/MS/MS (AB Sciex) and Metrosep columns.

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